Immune Boosting Herbal Tea Blend

with 5 of the best healing herbs for the cold and flu season

When you mix these 5 herbs together you'll get a powerful, but still tasty, immune boosting herbal tea blend!

Elderberries are high in anti-oxidants and have strong anti-viral properties, making them one of the go-to herbs for this herbal tea blend

Because rose hips are extremely high in vitamin C and anti-oxidants, they're great at preventing colds

Not only does echinacea root stimulate cells responsible for fighting infection, it also has the ability to shorten the duration of cold and flus

High in anti-oxidants, the adaptogen astragalus root strengthens your immunity over time 

More than just adding a spicy bite to your tea, ginger root is antiviral & antimicrobial. It also does a great job of relieving congestion & sore throats

After you've gathered all 5 of these healing herbs, store them together in a mason jar so they're always on hand when you need them most 

When ready to make tea, bring 1-2 TBSP of the tea blend & 1 cup of water to a boil before simmering for 15 minutes

Strain into your favorite mug & enjoy 1-3 times a day when you feel a sickness coming on!