Morels can blend into their surroundings, but once you learn to identify them, you'll begin to spot them with ease.

Morels come up in spring to early summer, depending on where you live, and are fairly widespread.

They grow along waterways, in recently burned areas, along path edges, or in woodlands.

Morels have a pitted, deeply ridged cap and a hollow interior and stem.

There are 2 morel look-alikes you should know:

Gyromitra esculenta is quite toxic and potentially deadly. It has a reddish-brown cap that is folded and is not hollow like morels.

Verpa bohemica can cause gastric distress and is potentially toxic. It has a pitted cap, except it hangs free of the stem.

Morels contain a toxin that is only destroyed by cooking. They MUST ALWAYS be cooked before consuming.

Want to learn more about how to forage morels?