Well hello! Up until now I’ve only done “how to” type posts on this blog, and while those are great and I don’t in any way plan on stopping them, I have been missing out on just telling you about what’s going on in my regular day to day life. To be quite honest, even though the “how to” posts are pretty much what I do in my life (I really do live the Grow Forage Cook Ferment lifestyle), I would like to be a little less formal from time to time. I also have been feeling like I have many projects that are in mid-cycle (usually ferments) that I want to share the progress on without writing a whole post on it. So, I’m thinking that I’ll do these “Updates and Recent Happenings” posts every Friday from now on, although I reserve the right to change my mind about that down the line, haha!

If you look really close you can see little sprouts, I promise
The first order of business is that there are sprouts in the garden where I planted the Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds! I believe that they are radishes, which are usually the first to come up. Yay!
I have won two separate giveaways on two very large blogs in the past few weeks! I usually never win anything, but I won Klio Greek Mountain Tea and a Breville Tea Maker from Kath Eats Real Food, which was nice and I was really excited about it. But then, like a week later, I won a $300 gift certificate from Belcampo Meat Co. from Nom Nom Paleo, and that really made my day! I mean, who can complain about free meat, especially when it’s locally sourced, pasture raised, super high quality meat? I can’t wait to get it, and I will definitely be sharing some cooking posts with it here!
Next up, here is what the Smreka (Juniper berry soda) is looking like, remember I started this in my Foraging for Juniper Berries post? It looks weird and smells a little off, so I’m really not sure how it will turn out. I’m giving it more time before I decide what to do with it.
Joel and I were in Santa Cruz recently and we went to the Alan Chadwick garden on the UC Santa Cruz campus. This place is so cool, a real permaculture forest garden in action. I took a ton of pictures and definitely plan to show you more of what we saw there.
Joel has been wanting to propagate comfrey from root cuttings and there was tons of it there, so he asked one of the gardeners if he could take a few. She told him that he could “take it all of it” so he dug away and got a bunch of nice big roots. No, he didn’t take it all! More on propagating comfrey, the permaculture wonder plant, to come!
When I have sourdough and arugula pesto around the house I have to make homemade pizza! This recipe will also be on the blog in the near future and I assure you that it won’t disappoint.
Before front yard redo
The most recent thing that we’ve been up to is redoing my sisters front yard! By “we” I mean Joel, haha! The grass will be gone and replaced with mulch and rocks with a planting bed in the middle and perennial shrubs along the perimeters. It will be gorgeous when it’s finished and I plan to document the whole process so that you too can grow Food Not Lawns!!!
Anyways, I hope you like this Updates and Recent Happenings post. Please let me know what you think and if you have any questions about our upcoming projects!
Wow, plants are sprouting already that is super exciting! Looking forward to hearing about the comfrey :)
I know, it is exciting! My Mom is lucky to live in such a warm and beautiful area. We still need to wait a little longer to plant seeds here in Ashland.
Nice to hear a voice – much as I love the “how-to’s”! Enjoy yourself!
I like your idea for Friday Blog’s, looking forward to the pizza recipe! We really enjoy your blogs! Have you ever done much with Elderberry? We would like to get a tree for our yard, we make a tonic from the berries adding local raw honey and apple cider.
Thanks, I’m glad you’re enjoying them! I have picked Elderberry in the wild, dried the berries and boiled them down into a strong tea. Joel is in the process of propagating some from cuttings right now, so hopefully we’ll have our own trees soon!
I have been wanting some comfrey for ages! That was so nice of her.