Summer is the time for bugs, and not always the good kind! There’s nothing worse than going on a relaxing camping trip near a beautiful river or lake, only to get eaten alive by mosquitoes the whole time. The only problem with commercial bug spray is that there is often toxic chemicals in them that…
Homestead & DIY
We have our own little urban homestead and we are so excited to share our homesteading endeavors with you! This is where I will be talking about things like storing and preserving and dehydrating food, harvesting rainwater, and DIY projects like making a homemade apple press, an herb and flower drying screen, or even your own beeswax food wraps!
How to Make Beeswax Food Wraps
Hello my friends! I have a great post for you today, something a little bit different. I recently had the chance to go through a really cool book all about beeswax and what you can make and do with it called The Beeswax Workshop by Chris Dalziel. You might know Chris from the blog Joybilee…
3 Ways to Extend Your Growing Season
Growing your own food is one of the most rewarding things that you can do, whether you have a large homestead on many acres or a small backyard lot. Either way, it is well worth the effort to have homegrown produce. It is helpful in many ways to be able to extend the season a…
DIY Herbal Gifts for Men
Finding the perfect gift for the man in your life can be difficult, whether it be your Dad, husband, boyfriend, friend, or brother. If you lean towards natural herbal or homemade DIY items, I have a great list here for you! These herbal gifts for men are perfect, and many of them you can make…
How to Cook with Cast Iron
I love my cast iron skillets. I use them every single day. If they are properly cared for, they can work just as well as a non stick pan, but without all the nasty chemicals. I slide over easy eggs out of my baby cast iron skillet without effort every morning! I even use them…
How to Make Apple Cider with a DIY Press
Learn how to make apple cider from scratch with apples from your tree! Homemade apple cider with a DIY cider press is easier to make than you might think. Pressing Homegrown Apples When we moved into our new house, one of the most exciting things for us was the apple tree in the backyard. While…
6 Ways to Cook Outdoors (without charcoal or propane)
Cooking outdoors is a must in the summertime. While I do enjoy barbecuing on our gas grill, I love the thought of cooking outside in a more natural way. Cooking with fire, hot coals, the sun, or the earth is really appealing to me in a primal way. I especially love the idea of a…
Backyard Garden Update
Well, I figured it was about time for me to give you a backyard garden update! As you may or may not know, we moved into a brand new little homestead this past March, and have been feverishly working on the garden ever since. We don’t have a huge amount of space to work with,…
How to Make Soap For Beginners + Calendula Soap Recipe
I’m going to say right now that I am no expert when it comes to making homemade soap. In fact, what you will see in this post is how to make soap for beginners. This is because I am also very much a beginner! The benefit from learning from a soap making newbie like me…
Do You Want to Live Off Grid?
My end goal in life is to live off grid. I don’t know if I will ever accomplish that, but I can dream. I know what it takes from my experience of living in a tent cabin without electricity and only a wood stove for heat during many summers in the high country of Yosemite…