You have most likely seen usnea, also known as Old Man’s Beard, when you are out in the forest. I see it all the time hanging in long strands from conifers when I’m hiking here in the pacific northwest. What you may not have known is that usnea is a super medicinal lichen! I love…
Fall Foraging
Learn how to recognize many of the foods you'll find on a fall foraging expedition. From fruits and berries to mushrooms, herbs, roots, and more discover how to turn fall foraged foods into delicious meals.
Some of the plants you can forage in fall are Dandelion Root, Elderberries, and Rose Hips. Plus learn how to easily identify 5 edible mushrooms you may come across while doing some fall foraging.
Foraging for Chicory
Chicory might be one of those plants that you’ve probably seen a thousand times but never knew what it was. It is extremely common along roadsides in many areas of the country, and I’m sure that you’ve passed it by a time or two. What you may not have known is that chicory is an…
Foraging for Oyster Mushrooms
Oyster mushrooms are easy to identify and fun to forage for, plus they are delicious and easy to use in the kitchen. Learn how to identify edible oyster mushrooms, where to forage for them, and my favorite ways to cook with this very special wild mushroom! Wildcrafting Weeds If you want to learn more about…
Foraging for Pine Needles (and other conifer needles)
Late fall and winter can be a tough time for foragers in the majority of North America. After the fall mushrooms are gone, there isn’t a whole lot left in the realm of wild food. The one thing that most of us have, no matter where we live, is pine or other conifer needles. They…
Foraging for Dandelion Root: Edible and Medicinal Uses
We all know what dandelions are, right? They are the best example of a super easy to forage, edible, and medicinal plant. I’ve written a post all about foraging for dandelions, but I didn’t say too much about foraging for dandelion roots. They deserve a whole post on their own! Wildcrafting Weeds If you want…
What is Gleaning and How to Do It
You may have heard the word “gleaning” before, or maybe you haven’t. In a world where people still suffer from hunger and malnutrition, it amazes me how much food is thrown away or let go to waste each and every day. I have worked in the food industry for many years, so I know first…