Hello everyone, hope you had a lovely weekend! We had a wonderful mix of sun and rain which brought beautiful sunsets and mild temperatures. Happy spring, by the way! It excites me to no end to know that we are at the very beginning of warmer weather. Planting seeds, here we come! This recipe for…
Updates and Recent Happenings 3/20/15
This past week has been a busy one, surprisingly enough! I’m always amazed at how busy we keep ourselves even while unemployed, haha! I flew back home after my impromptu trip to Santa Cruz, and seeing the Rogue Valley from the plane was really amazing. I feel so lucky to live here. When I got…
Foraging for Bay Leaves
Today I have the elusive Bay tree photos that I needed when I wanted to do this post last week. I’m pretty proud of my on the fly plantain post that happened instead, but this one I’m really excited for! Although bay leaves are sort of taken for granted in the kitchen, they really do…
Updates and Recent Happenings 3/13/15
Hello! Here’s a little about what’s going on in my life on this Friday the 13th! Joel and I were in Portland last week because he was redesigning my sister’s front yard into a low maintenance, permaculture style. Food Not Lawns, baby!!! I will be doing a full post on this soon, but here is…
Updates and Recent Happenings
Well hello! Up until now I’ve only done “how to” type posts on this blog, and while those are great and I don’t in any way plan on stopping them, I have been missing out on just telling you about what’s going on in my regular day to day life. To be quite honest, even…
Bolted Arugula Pesto
I knew that I would write this post one of these days, but I figured that it would be later this spring or summer. However, I went to my Mom’s place in the Monterey Bay last week and this is what I saw in her garden. She had planted arugula last fall and her and…
How to Make Yogurt in a Dehydrator
Did you know that all you need to make yogurt is yogurt? And milk, of course. That’s why fermenting is so cool! You’re basically transporting a bit of the beneficial bacteria to a new medium so that it will continue to multiply and turn into something even more awesome. It’s actually almost like pre-digestion in…
Foraging for Yellowfoot Chanterelles (Winter Chanterelle Mushrooms)
Under conifers in the forest duff you might be lucky enough to find yellowfoot chanterelles, also called funnel or winter chanterelles. Yellowfoot chanterelle mushrooms are a very special find and a delicious one! Learn how to identify and forage for these wild fungi and enjoy my recipe for preparing them. Wildcrafting Weeds If you want…
Permaculture 101: Zones
This is Part 2 in our Permaculture 101 series, check out Part 1: The Basics and Part 3: Forest Gardens! Here we are, on to the second part of our Permaculture series. This one is all about the different zones in a Permaculture landscape, and how you should try (as best as possible) to design…
Simple Pot Roast
This is the perfect recipe for winter, although it doesn’t quite feel like winter where I’m at! I know that those of you in other parts of the country are getting pounded with snow and ice, however, so this is for you. Just like with Roast Chicken and Slow Cooker Pork Shoulder, this Simple Pot…