Artichokes are a thistle that are super tasty! Here’s a guide to help you learn how to cook and eat artichokes. Learn how to prepare them, and get my favorite recipe for stuffed artichokes! Artichokes: An Edible Thistle Artichokes are a strange vegetable for the uninitiated, but an absolute delight for those of us who…
How to Make Fermented Ketchup
Ketchup is the classic condiment, but in modern times it has strayed wildly from what it once was. The good news is that homemade ketchup is actually quite healthy, and when it’s fermented even more so. Plus, it’s super easy to make! Here’s how to make fermented ketchup. Ketchup History Did you know that ketchup…
Do You Want to Live Off Grid?
My end goal in life is to live off grid. I don’t know if I will ever accomplish that, but I can dream. I know what it takes from my experience of living in a tent cabin without electricity and only a wood stove for heat during many summers in the high country of Yosemite…
How to Make Blue Cheese Salad Dressing
I’m the first to admit that blue cheese is not my favorite. This is strange, because I’m a total cheese lover, but something about blue cheese has never quite done it for me. It’s a little too funky, a little too stinky, and well… a little too blue, if you know what I mean. I’ve…
How to Choose the Right Seeds for Your Garden
It’s that time of year when those of us with the gardening bug find extreme pleasure in pouring over seed catalogs. I must admit it’s one of my favorite winter pastimes. I will be circling and highlighting and dreaming of all the seeds that I want to buy for my little garden! Today I’m going…
Updates and Recent Happenings: What Happened to the Garden?
Well hello! It’s been a little while since I’ve updated you on the happenings of my life and garden. That is mainly because there isn’t much of a garden when we’re this deep into winter. I would be showing you the same pictures of my sad Brussels sprouts that are still trying to hang on…
How to Cook Burdock Root
Burdock root is a terrific garden vegetable full of vitamins and minerals amazing medicinal properties – it’s also delicious if you know how to cook it properly! It’s perfect when simply roasted in olive oil with salt and pepper – the flavor is nutty with a slight chew. Learn how to cook burdock root with…
No Knead Sourdough Rye Bread
I love homemade bread, and I especially love rye bread. The problem is that I haven’t always been too successful in making bread the traditional way with kneading and rising. It always seems to turn into a hard lump of some sort, and I’ve never been motivated enough to learn how to do it the…
Updates and Recent Happenings: Happy Birthday!
Wait, what? Happy Birthday? Shouldn’t I be saying Happy New Year? Well, yes, that too. But guess what? Today is the 1st birthday of this little blog. One year ago today I sat down (in the exact same place I’m sitting now) and did the first necessary steps for starting Grow Forage Cook Ferment. I…
Foraging for Pine Needles (and other conifer needles)
Late fall and winter can be a tough time for foragers in the majority of North America. After the fall mushrooms are gone, there isn’t a whole lot left in the realm of wild food. The one thing that most of us have, no matter where we live, is pine or other conifer needles. They…